Comunicado.- Union Pacific

Estimado Cliente

Por medio del presente se hace de su conocimiento el Comunicado emitido por la transportista ferroviaria Union Pacific, mediante el cual se informa un cambio en el término de liberación de carros siendo anteriormente de 48:00 hrs a 24:00 hrs para embarques originados en Arkansas, Louisiana  y Texas, quedando el resto de los estados a un término de 48:00 hrs, lo anterior conforme al siguiente comunicado:

Announcement Number: IP2019-7
Categories: All Industrial Products
Posted Date:

Dear Customer,

Union Pacific’s Despacho Previo is a process that was developed for clearing southbound rail shipments into Mexico to comply with the customs requirements set forth by the Mexican government. Despacho Previo aims to reduce congestion and interchange delays at the border. Despacho Previo allows for the interchange of run-through trains rather than individual cars – expediting southbound shipments. The process applies to all car types, with the exception of intermodal equipment.

As previously announced, beginning on April 1, 2019, the following changes will be made to the Despacho Previo program (as outlined in accessorial tariff UP 6004, Item 8530).

  • 24 hours of processing time will be allowed for shipments originating in Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas.
    · 48 hours of processing time will be allowed for all other states.
    · No exemption given for Sundays and holidays (all origins).
    · Following the expiration of the processing time, there will be a charge of $300 per day until the car has cleared customs.
    · Charges only apply if rail cars are set out in a yard awaiting clearance.

These changes are consistent with our Unified Plan 2020 methodology focusing on reliability and efficiency — for both Union Pacific and our customers.

If you have any questions, please contact our International Customer Care & Support team at 800-877-0531 or your Union Pacific representative.


En caso de existir algún comunicado adicional estaremos informando de manera inmediata.

Atte.- Dirección Legal

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